Leg 5, Final Terra Australis leg...
For those not attached at the hip to social media the final leg of the Terra Australis 'virtual' ride concluded yesterday with a finish time just inside 28 days ... read on below!
Coming next i'll do a gear overview and update the EOI rider lists.....
A REMINDER: While the current Covid19 travel restrictions remain in place I have put Terra Australis entries on hold until it becomes clear that the event can proceed. I have every expectation that this will be the case however for the time being I'm happy to receive Expressions of Interest [EOI] by email and send out the Course Notes and .gpx file for all or any particular Leg of interest to prospective entrants.
Leg 5. CANBERRA - WILSONS PROM 816k 13,550 Vm
Our 'virtual' Terra Australis ride is in it's final days heading out of Canberra on Day 25 for riders doing the full 6,250k or first day riders doing only the Canberra-Wilsons Prom Leg it's a tough day at the office
Day 28 Dargo - Wilsons Prom 279k 1880Vm
Today is all about THE FINISH!
279k and 1,880Vm. A strong mix of fast paved and dirt roads, rail trail plenty of towns for grab and go food …. the only inhibiting concern is that there’s historically westerly [read headwinds!] winds across this Gippsland countryside. We don’t have any choice so it’s ride and accept … nothing different from the start all those weeks ago!
The first 30k on paved roads out of Dargo gather up the remant hills for the ride then off on to the sweeping flow of dirt down Freestone Creek Rd that keeps on giving all the way down to Briagalong at 72k.
From here and right through to the finish it’s flat and fast with regular food and hydration options. The zig zags in and out of towns and are an invitation to smash it over the closing hours of this momentus ride.
At the FINISH arrival point to Wilsons Prom park entry its 6,325k. What a lifetime achievement!
Our ‘virtual’ ride will close before day 28 is over for a possible ride time 27d plus 16-20 hours?. Steve Halligan’s 2018 ride winning time, close to 31d:12h remains the benchmark and this time might just endure for a while to come.
What hasn’t been an impact on the ‘virtual’ ride are weather .... wind, rain, hail, snow, mechanical issues, never mind missing ferry crossings, resupply and bike service. It’s been sunshine, following winds, no rain, not even a flat!.
The absolute certainty is that these will be the single [multiple?] most determinants of this ride! Dream on if you think these intrusions won’t impact you.
To date it’s Steve Halligan and Brendan Corbin who have survived the challenge and claimed victory! More strength to those who follow and join them.