Breathtaking Events ... take in a big one.

About Terra Australis Bike Epic
Race Route
6,250 kilometres..... for the first time in 2025 from Wilsons Promontory in Victoria heading north up the eastern seaboard of NSW and then inland through central and northern Queensland to the tip at Cape York.
The Terra Australis Bike Epic is an individual time trial [ITT] route suitable for experienced multi-day ultra endurance riders who have a demonstrated capacity of enduring the constant daily challenges, dealing with the elements and one's changing emotional space. In addition, they need to have the knowledge and capacity to prepare, plan and execute their ride with a clear understanding of their personal needs to remain hydrated and fuelled to undertake and complete the ride without any outside support other than that which is available to any fellow competitor from commercial business providers or public facilities along the route.
6:00am 1 May
6.00am 1 September for those tempted for a ride south