Breathtaking Events ... take in a big one.

Terra Australis
STARTS: 01.05.2025
Monaro Cloudride
STARTS 18.04.2025
Cloudride Prologue
STARTS: 8.03.25
Breathtaking Events is a private events company, it's a self indulgent pursuit that I enjoy. I've had a lifetime of business interest in commercial event promotion and this is a simple extension of my interests in my 'retirement'. Contrary to the norms in business there is no financial gain, outside sponsorship or conflict of interest in promoting these events. Eventually they will be handed over to the Stewardship of those who follow and have an interest in them continuing. Their future is in the participant support they receive from those who want to step outside the bounds of normal and challenge themselves. Hopefully, all or some will continue on well past my expiry date. Steve Watson

Why race and not just Tour?
Our lost champion of ultra distance racing, Mike Hall answered this question following his US Tour Divide win in The Brooks Bugle, July 2016 ....
"Racing the divide has been a transformative experience for me in so many ways and in some way has touched almost everything I have done since. The trail might take the body to the physical place; covering vast distances through wild open and desolate landscapes alive with wildlife and changing before your eyes. The race however, the thrill of the chase, the potent cocktail of adrenaline, endorphins, fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress and finally relief, takes the mind to quite another. The personal satisfaction, confidence and empowerment from the achievement lasts a lifetime. For me this combination is untouchable.
This is why, for now at least, you can keep your nice, your leisurely and your convenience and if it comes to it, you can also keep your professional sports. This is not a tour and no, I do not want to slow down because I really don’t think I could possibly enjoy any more than I do."
Mike Hall 2016

Live with enthusiasm!
A few years before I was 16 .... [I'm now well past 60] I removed this page from the 'Readers Digest' carefully folded it inside my wallet as an aspirational reference to how I wanted to approach life's journey. It still resonates with me to this day as it did then.....
'live every day of your life as though you expect to live forever'
Cheers Steve